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System and Method for Autonomous Screen-share Dynamic Magnification View Sharing without Primary Collaboration Interruption


Office: United States Patent & Trademark Office

File Date: May 12th, 2021

Application Reference Number: 17/308284

Inventors: Madeleine Wilson, Jordan Hodges, Kim Flores, Carly Joanne Fife, Jeremy R. Fox



Our invention secures the ability to dynamically zoom (magnify) into a presenter's screen during a screen sharing collaboration without interrupting the presenting user(s).  Further, our dynamic capability will allow for all users to see the screen share at the size rendering they prefer as provided by their local operating system through referencing the local machines “standard” viewing font size.  Additionally, the zooming user can push in / out on and zoom manually when required.  User’s sharing experience will be determined and granted through a “ROLE BASED” approach, which will drive added novelty for role Subscription(s), all without interrupting the primary presenter.  

System and Method for Blade Equipment Monitoring

Ownership: IBM

Publish Date: August 17th, 2020

Invention Reference Number: P202006125

Inventors: Christian Compton, Bryan A Kribbs, Mansi Agarwal, Christine Samarchi, Madeleine Wilson, Isaac Zavala


 This is a proposal for a system that can apply optical recognition and modeling tools, like a digital twin, to identify variations in the quality of landscaping/harvesting vegetation and develop models for further customization to a specific environment and use case. The application of this is to relieve a human operator of the duty of monitoring the condition of a blade or cutting apparatus and the consistency of a cut path behind a vehicle. This system will identify degradation of blade teeth and discrepancies in the resulting cuts, using this information to predict when the blade needs replacing and thus alerting the operator to when maintenance needs to be done.

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